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House with exterior lighting
October 02, 2023

Suggestions For San Francisco Home Security Landscaping To Shield Your Home

Landscaping is known to add appeal, value, and function to properties. But it can also affect your home’s security. Look over the following San Francisco home security landscaping tips and see how to make your home safer.

No. 1: Keep Your Yard Neat And Tidy

Does your yard create the impression you want? A nicely maintained landscape with a neat lawn, trimmed shrubs, and defined mulch beds lets onlookers know you’re diligent about taking care of your surroundings. Conversely, neglected grass and weeds suggest you’re lax about your yard and might not pay much attention to your home’s security either. Don’t convey the wrong image and make your home more of a target.

No. 2: Brighten Your San Francisco Landscape

Darkness is preferred by criminals as they want to stay hidden. Don’t give it to them. Instead, implement different lights all through your landscape. You probably already have a porch light, but you should incorporate motion-detecting lighting in strategic areas like your back door or garage. Install solar lights next to a pathway and accent lighting near specific features you want to highlight. By doing so, you can remove potential hiding spots while delivering a distinctive element to your property. You can even program interior smart bulbs to turn on when movement is detected outdoors.

No. 3: Maintain A Clear Sightline

You should be able to see all parts of your landscape from the interior. Keep plants under three feet tall so you don’t obstruct your sightline. If you’re getting new plants, inspect the label to have a better idea of how large they may grow. Generally speaking, it’s best to steer clear of hedges and taller vegetation, particularly near entry points like garage doors.

No. 4: Keep A Close Watch With Surveillance Systems

Outdoor cameras are one of the best crime deterrents. Just the sight of them is enough to dissuade the bulk of intruders. Consequently, keep your outdoor surveillance in clear view but high enough off the ground so it can't be tampered with. When you're at work on on vacation, you can inspect real-time video streams through your convenient cell phone security app. To enhance your peace of mind, notifications can be dispatched directly to your phone if your cameras discern suspect activity.

No. 5: Defensive Flora Is Effective As San Francisco Home Security Landscaping

Not many prowlers will wish to climb through a prickly plant to access your lower-level window. You’ll want to choose plants that match your environment, but you can utilize rose bushes, dwarf bougainvillea, holly, and gooseberry bushes as defensive vegetation. Just keep in mind, plants should be under three feet tall if situated outside of windows, and if you have young children, they might not be the ideal option.

Support Your Secure Landscape With A Home Security System In San Francisco

A robust home defense system from Secure24 Alarm Systems is the perfect back-up to your San Francisco home security landscaping. Our comprehensive packages provide leading tools like surveillance, automation, and voice control. Besides, our home security sign will look fantastic in your well-groomed yard. Call (415) 966-3602 today and design a system to your family’s specific requirements.